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Odd Tips to Flush a Clogged Toilet Inside of Your Bathroom


Not Your Every Day Toilet Plumbing Tips

Residential plumbing can be complicated to the novice homeowner. On the flip side of that, knowing how the system works can prevent damage, repairs, and unnecessary problems. Knowing how to navigate the plumbing system in the bathroom (and the toilet in particular) will save the homeowner a lot of stress, worry, and money.

Contrary to popular belief, a toilet’s plumbing is actually fairly simple. When the toilet is flushed, the water in the back of the tank is released into the bowl. Gravity allows the wastewater to flow down through the pipes and into the main drain line.

As the wastewater travels through the home’s pipes, there can be various impediments to its progress such as elbows in the piping. Normally, these angles are not an issue, but if there is a clog or another problem, it can make it harder for the waste to get to where it’s going.

Homeowners that are aware of how their toilet’s plumbing works and know some tricks on keeping it moving smoothly are less likely to have issues. In the article below, the plumbing experts in Derry New Hampshire have given some tips on how to keep everything moving downhill. There are even a few oddities homeowners probably have never thought of that can help.

Cleaning Tablets For The Toilet

toilet cleaning tabletsMost people have come across blue water in one toilet or another. The blue water can not only have a nice appearance, but it can help sanitize the toilet, right? Well, not necessarily. Unfortunately, the once-popular blue tablets can cause more harm than good in the toilet and plumbing system in general.

The problem with these azure tablets is that they are toxic. They release harmful chemicals into the air causing a decrease in the home’s indoor air quality. It does not end there, either. The chemicals in the tabs cause corrosion and breakdown in the pipes and the toilet itself. After contentious use, homeowners begin to notice more frequent repairs and issues in the toilet’s plumbing.

Finally, these cleaning tablets can also be the culprit behind a clogged toilet. What typically happens is the tab itself will get lodged in the flush valve. This will cause the toilet to overflow or not be able to flush properly. All said and done, it is better to avoid these products altogether and opt for a regular cleaning routine.

Only Flush Toilet Paper

Most homeowners are aware of the rule that you should only flush toilet paper. There are many objects that should not be flushed, so staying away from food, grease and oil, sanitary products, and other foreign objects is imperative to the toilet’s flushing ability.

What many residents do not realize is that some products that are supposed to be “flushable” actually are not. For example, a lot of baby wipes and wet wipes are advertised to be “flushable” and “septic and sewer safe.” Unfortunately, this is not true. These items do not break down the way toilet paper does and can result in clogs and backups in the toilet’s pipes.

only flush toilet paper

Clogs in the toilet can go from a small blockage to a major issue very quickly. If the blockage occurs in the main drain line, homeowners can face an overflow of waste into the bathroom and home. Regardless of the severity, clogs should be taken care of right away by trying a gentle plunge or calling a technician for help.

The best way, however, to avoid the situation altogether is to avoid flushing anything except wastewater and toilet paper down the drain. Doing so will greatly reduce the risk of clogs and expensive repair and clean up costs.

A Bucket Of Water Can Help

bucket of waterAt one time or another, everyone is going to be faced with a clogged toilet whether the best preventive measures were taken or not. A clogged toilet can not only be an inconvenience, but it can cause major repairs and major embarrassment; especially if the clog happens outside the home.

Thankfully, there are two tricks that can help in this situation when plunging just won’t do the job. The first tip is to use a bucket of water to loosen the clog and flush the toilet. In some circumstances, the water in the back of the bowl may not have enough force to dislodge the clog.

On top of that, a plunger is not always going to be effective because the rubber head may not get a good seal. Adding more water can give the flush the extra force it needes to unclog the obstruction. Also, warm or hot water tends to work the best.

If the plunger and water do not help, the next trick is to try soap. Concentrated liquid soaps like dish detergent, hand soap, or even shampoo can help get rid of a clog. The soap will help breakdown the blockage making it easier to flush. Add some soap and let it sit for a few minutes and try flushing again. This is a good trick for anyone that finds themselves in a “clogged toilet while visiting” situation.

Call Paul The Plumber For Help

If you are faced with a problem that is too big to handle alone, reach out to the professionals for help. Paul The Plumber has been a trusted member of the Derry, NH community since 2002. They are available for all your emergency plumbing needs and can help keep your toilet flushing properly for years to come.