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The Plumbing Show: Get To Know 3 Common Tools!

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Plumbing tools are used for specific reasons, and depending on the task, one device may work better than another. Although a wrench may seem like a wrench, the varieties are as unique as the job.

A handy plumbing tool can last a lifetime. Knowing the suitable model will help both professional plumbers and Do-It-Yourselfers break up clogs and fix drains. Paul The Plumber has identified multiple candidates to understand all the choices better.

Drain snake

Bachelor #1: Drain Snakes

Clogged drains can cause plumbing emergencies. Drain snakes can be used in toilets, sinks, and shower drains to avoid excessive buildup. Depending on the type of snake, this can be an easy solution for clogs.

The top snake is a prime candidate for bathroom sinks and tubs. Although it is the smallest drain snake, it does have a 25ft cable. Depending on the clog, top electric snakes may be preferable. A standard ultimate snake comes with a handle to support the tool and a rotating knob.

Medium drain machines are another type of drain snake, but cables are usually 50 to 75ft in length. The electric motor is designed to break up tough clogs in kitchen pipes or washing machine pipes. This machine should not be used for shower stoppages to avoid damaging the trap.

Another popular drain machine called the sewer auger is primarily used for underground lines. Professional plumbers can clear city sewers with this type of drill because of its powerful electric motor and its size, 100 feet or longer with 4-inch cutter heads.

Bachelor #2: Pipe Wrench

wrenchPipe wrenches are available in several different sizes. Although they may also vary in material, they are durable and reliable.

Offset Pipe Wrenches are popular plumbing tools because of their ability to work with angles. Typical offset wrenches have a 90-degree tip, but the jaws rest horizontally. An offset pipe wrench can be used vertically to reach hard-to-access areas.

Not all wrenches have heads. A strap wrench has a chain attached to the frame instead of a metal top, which can be wrapped around the edge to create a tighter grip. This wrench pairs well with unusually-shaped pipes.

A compound leverage wrench requires minimal energy to provide the best leverage. The compound leverage wrench is often seen during the chillier months of the year. Because it works with seized joints, it is a masterful tool for frozen weather-related plumbing issues.

Bachelor #3: Safety Equipment

Plumbing can be a dangerous job, even for professionals. Regardless of experience, specific safety equipment is necessary to prevent injuries from occurring.

Latex is a plumber’s best friend. Latex gloves are thin enough to feel plumbing equipment while simultaneously blocking chemicals from the skin. For jobs that require additional force, wearing latex gloves underneath heavy-duty gloves will provide maximum hand safety.

Knee pads provide back protection when working in tight spaces. Odd or uneven angles are not uncommon for plumbers, and extra support can help the joints. A cushion is also helpful for kneeling positions.

Proper footwear is essential since a wet environment is par for the course. Slip-resistant boots with steel toes can reduce the likelihood of an injury.

Paul The Plumber

Paul The Plumber has been serving Derry since 2002. Their expert staff helps homeowners with all their most challenging issues and is sure to have the right tools needed. Contact the professionals today for plumbing work in Derry, NH.